Thursday, September 4, 2008

Feline Update...Of Course

Ok, so I said earlier I would post pictures of Smokey when he started being nice to Gizzy. Well, I've decided that may not ever happen. She wants to play, but he is uninterested, at all times! She thinks by using his litter box, food, and water, he will clearly want to be her friend. How do you tell a kitten it's not the best way to make using his FRONT of him. Gizzy has also come to the conclusion that 4 AM and 6 AM are play times. IF we are sleeping (which we always are), that means she clearly has permission to attack anything flesh colored. I swear she thinks our 10 fingers are 10 play toys. So every night Brad and I have on full covers to our necks (sweating, of course) and pillows over our eyes because she definitely can attack eyelids. Well, to date, she has attacked my the same spot. Yep, one night I actually bled (not knowing) and left blood on her fur! I guess we are the ones who chose the "most active" one in the litter. Last week we also had a worm incident, which I will leave at that, so we took her to the vet and he said, "man, she has a temper!" We know. We know.

Well, I will post some funny pictures of Smokey trying to fit in an awkwardly small box. It was meant to be taken to the dumpster that day, but he has claimed it as his. So yes, we have an empty beer box in our house--some interior designer!

I realize I keep blogging about my kitties, but as my mom says, "it's my blog and I can do what I want!" :)


Gizzy: 11 weeks, 1 day

This is NOT Photoshopped

This is My Best Angle...

I am Laughing at You

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